Workforce Management Module

Ensure the right personnel are in the right place at the right time

The Aramis Workforce Management module enables efficient organization and optimization of event staff. Empowering event organizers to streamline the entire staffing process — from initial registration to precise scheduling, comprehensive training, role assignments, and meal provision, this module fully supports the event journey. Ensuring the right personnel are in the right place at the right time, enhances overall event productivity and attendee satisfaction.



  • Web-Based Registration Model. Available for any type of candidates, including volunteers, paid staff, and contractors.
  • Customized Online Application Form. Registration is based on a personalized online application form, tailored to the specific requirements of the event.
  • Data Management and Reporting. Robust functionalities for data management and reporting, allowing easy analysis of registration data, enables sorting and understanding demographics and experience of candidates based on their profiles.
  • Automated Communication. Communication with registrants is facilitated through system automations, providing an opportunity to guide candidates at the beginning of their journey.


  • Customized Online Interview Questionnaire. Availability of a tailored online interview questionnaire in the system. Customized evaluation logic and scoring system to ensure a comprehensive assessment.
  • Flexible Interview Scheduling. Creation of online interview slots and schedules. Adjustment of session details (date, time, demand, etc.) as per specific requirements.
  • Communication Efficiency. SMS or email-based communication for interview invitations. Streamlined process for candidates to book interview sessions.
  • Attendance Tracking. Efficient tracking of attendance during interviews.
  • Bulk Recruitment Support. Full system support for bulk recruitment planning and operations.

Role offers

  • Candidate Requirement Collection. Efficient collection of candidate requirements from various functions/departments.
  • Automated Skill Matching. Utilization of built-in system logic to match function requirements with candidate skill sets.
  • Bulk Role Assignment Process. Capability to run a bulk role assignment and allocation process for swift operations.
  • Role Offer Communication. Streamlined communication of role offers through SMS or emails.
  • Real-time Role Tracking. Live tracking of role fulfillment status, allowing candidates to accept or reject roles through their profiles.


  • Flexible Training Session. Creation of training session slots with adjustable details to suit various needs.
  • Efficient Communication. SMS or email-based communication for training invitations, enabling successful candidates to book sessions seamlessly.
  • Attendance Tracking. Real-time tracking of attendance during training sessions for comprehensive reporting.
  • Candidate Access to Training Materials. Online access for candidates to training materials and other shareable documents to facilitate learning.

Scheduling & Rostering

  • Operational Schedule Building. Creation of operational schedules based on events, functions, roles, and venues within the system.
  • Rostering and Shift Assignment. Efficient rostering with the ability to add candidates to specific shifts based on their roles.
  • Real-time Shift Tracking. Live tracking of shift fulfillment status, providing instant visibility into workforce coverage.
  • Flexible Shift Change Management. Implementation of a flexible shift change management process, allowing for dynamic adjustments.
  • Automated Communication. Automated communication of shift changes via SMS or email, ensuring swift and efficient updates.

Meal Provision

  • Meal Kit Creation and Management. Creation and management of meal kits within the system.
  • Meal Requirement Planning. Planning and forecasting meal requirements for each venue and zone based on data integration with the rostering and accreditation modules.
  • Default Meal Kit Assignment. Assignment of default meal kits to different client groups for streamlined provisioning.
  • Accreditation Card-Based Control. Control of meal provisioning based on accreditation cards, eliminating the need for meal vouchers.
  • Customized Reporting. Generation of various reports based on client groups, meal provisioning zones, and other relevant parameters.